We are pleased to announce we now offer birth pool hire in the Hull and East Riding area. Details below.

We currently have 2 pools available to hire, a La Bassine professional and a La Bassine original.
The cost to hire is £50, plus a £50 deposit will which be fully refunded when the pool is returned and checked provided it is in the same condition it was hired in.
What’s included:
- Birth pool
- Pump to inflate
- Submersible pump to empty the water after the birth
- A range of tap adaptors for the hose
- Thermometer
- Sieve
- Puncture repair kit (just incase!)
You will need to separately purchase a liner and a hose, these are single use items which need to be disposed of after the birth. You can purchase them here https://www.homebirthsupplies.co.uk/Primary-Birth-Kit (select ‘universal’ liner)
How does it work?
- The pool and kit can be collected from my home in Hessle from 37 weeks of your pregnancy, or I can deliver for an additional fee of £5
- I will collect from your home within a week of your baby being born on a day which best suits you, just message to let me know
- Upon collection or delivery I will ensure you understand how to correctly set up the pool and you can ask me any questions, I will also give you my number so you can contact me if you have any questions or concerns in the run up or at time of use
If you would like to enquire about hiring one of our pools please send me an email to heyhomebirth@gmail.com with the subject ‘birth pool hire’. Please include
*your estimated due date
*whether you would like to collect or arrange delivery, if delivery please include address
Once details are arranged you will be emailed a booking form, allocated a date and time for collection/delivery and required to make payment when returning the form.
We are so excited to be able to bring pool hire to Hull and East Yorkshire and can’t wait to hear from you!